About astrology?
Astrologers has specialize in various fields. There are multiple branches in the area of astrology and you have an astrologer to serve your specific purpose. Given below are the various important wings of astrology.
1. Natal astrology- This is the most popular branch of astrology, which seeks to understand your life and future based on an astrological chart cast for the moment of birth.
2. Horary astrology- Horary astrologers are concerned with finding the answer to a specific question. This particular kind of reading is not dependent on birth chart readings.
3. Electional astrology- This type of astrological prediction is done to pick up a suitable time for a specific action such as starting a business, getting married or going on a trip, etc.
4. Natural astrology- The astrologers specializing in natural astrology gives a prediction on weather patterns.
5. Mundane astrology- Astrologers skilled at it are known to discover information regarding the fate of a country or the world as a whole.
6. Relationship astrology- This type of astrology is concerned with determining how individuals will get along with one another.
7. Financial astrology- This concerns itself with determining the financial future of an individual or a group.
Besides the above, there are several other related branches of astrology, which are:
1. Graha Samudriki (Astro-Palmistry)- Astro-palmists predict future based on palm reading.
2. Padatala Sastra (Plantarology)- This is based on the reading of lines and signs on the sole.
3. Swapna Vidhya- Making an interpretation of dreams.
4. Shakuna Sastra (Omens)- Here, predictions are basis omens and portents.
5. Hasta Rekha / Samudrika Sastra- Based on palm reading.
6. Aakriti Vidya (Physiognomy)- Predictions are done on the basis of the structure of the moles on the body.
What is face reading?
Face reading is also known as physiognomy. It is concerned with analysing your nature, your personality traits and qualities through face reading. The experts in this field are skilled at reading the different features of the face and basis that they are known to tell about the past and also depict the future. Trained face readers can offer predictions about what lies ahead related to personal life, professional life, relationships, etc.
Who is a gemologist?
Gemmologists believe that wearing certain precious gemstones can bring in wealth and good luck. They suggest wearing these stones for absorbing the positive energy of various stars. There are nine precious stones in total viz. diamond, emerald, pearl, coral, yellow sapphire, blue sapphire, ruby, hessonite and cat's eye. These professionals can identify the most suitable gem for you.